Compaq/HP Code Purple Error Solved
Posted on February 17, 2011
I recently repaired a Compaq desktop and it needed to be reformed. I used the standard process and let the recovery format and reinstall Windows Vista.
Once it was complete I rebooted the computer to finish the installation. Instead of continuing, HP popped a nasty message:
Your system has detected a configuration error. Please report this error to Customer Care using the phone number found in the Warranty and Support Guide that came with your PC. Unless corrected, this error will prevent your PC from operating properly. Turn off your PC by pressing and holding the Power button. After a few seconds your PC will automatically turn off. (Code Purple)
If you call HP they will tell you to buy a new recovery disk and chase your tail for a few weeks. All of this can be easily fixed. There are a couple of ways to go about fixing the HP Code Purple error. Using the Linux Live CD or you will need to pulling the hard drive.
The Linux Live CD Code Purple Error Fix
This is the easiest option, but you will need to know a little bit about Linux. If you fix your own computer then it would be well worth the efforts to give Linux a shot. Boot up of the CD or USB drive. Once you have your computer booted up from the CD or USB mount COMPAQ or HP drive.
The pull the hard drive Code Purple Error Fix
This will require a second fully functional computer (I’ll call it comp2) that you can add a second drive. Install the HP drive in the second hard drive position in to comp2. Boot up comp2 and you should see your HP drive as a spare drive.
The Compaq/HP Code Purple Fix
Once you can see your HP drive, navigate to the HP folder \hp\bin\CHECKdmi\ then edit the checkdmi.cmd file. You will want to use notepad or gedit/vi/emacs DO NOT use Word or Wordpad. The first thing you will see a lot of REM statements at the top (REM stands for remarks or comments that are by passed when the script is run). Just below the REM statements are copy and paste or type (no typos..) this line
goto cleanup
Save the file and reboot or re install the drive to the HP/Compaq. This line will cause the script to bypass all the checks and force the script clean up the CHECKdmi folder which will allow your computer to finish the installation of Windows.
If you want to try the Linux fix I use Fedora as the live CD. You can check out my quick how to boot Linux tutorial.
Where do you type the “goto cleanup”?
REM —————————————————————–
REM Purpose:
REM Authenticate the DMI flags in each UUT by comparing the
REM DMI content in DMIinfo.ini with the actual DMI flags set in
REM the UUT. This is to ensure the software build we specified for
REM a given UUT is exactly what has been delivered to our customers.
REM Input:
REM c:\hp\support\DMIinfo.ini
REM Output:
REM If any discrepancy occurs, an error dialog will display the
REM localized messages during 1st boot, and the DMI info will be
REM output to c:\hp\support\CodePurple.log.
REM Called by:
REM The First Boot (via precmdline.cmd).
REM Note: Since not all DMI flags need to be checked, some are stored in
REM Exclude.txt:
REM 1. Build-ID => This can be different when switching HAL bit (32 vs 64)
REM 2. Serial Number => This is unique for each UUT
REM 3. SupportID => This value will be re-generated if the SerialNumber is modified.
REM 4. UUID => This is unique for each UUT
REM 5. OEMAuditBootLink => Irrelevant; Used during software build.
REM 6. ExtendOpt for ‘DLPause’ and ‘MSc’ => Irrelevant; Used during software build.
REM —————————————————————–
goto cleanup
pushd c:\hp\bin\CheckDMI
call SetVersion.cmd
echo CheckDMI [Version %DMI_REV%]
echo (C) Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
And then fails to get by the next error…
What is the next error. It should not be related to the code purple error since that is only caused by the file that you edited.
Worked perfectly on my computer. Went right by the code purple screen.